Smile Care Family Dentistry Blog

How Can I Handle Winter Mouth Issues?

November 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_javeed @ 6:58 pm
woman applying lip balm in winter outside

As the wintry weather rolls in, some particular oral health problems return each year. Struggles with sensitive teeth, dry mouth, and chapped lips elevate.

You don’t have to be one of the many to endure these troubles. Read on for some tips from your dentist in Virginia Beach about combating winter mouth issues.


Why You Should Appreciate Your Teeth This Thanksgiving

October 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_javeed @ 6:23 pm
enjoying thanksgiving meal

You’re eating that mound of dressing and a second helping of turkey while chatting up your close friends and family – your teeth are hard at work each Thanksgiving. Not that they don’t help you out every day, but that day specifically entails a lot of chewing.

There are some steps you can take on Thanksgiving, and during the holiday season in general, to ensure your teeth are up to the task for many years to come. Read on for some easy-to-do tips that make a difference for your holiday oral health.


Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid of the Dentist This Halloween

September 14, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_javeed @ 3:27 pm
young woman covering her face out of fear

Halloween is certainly one of the scariest times of the year. From haunted houses to scary movies to fun pranks, it’s exciting to get into the spirit of All Hallows’ Eve and find amusement in the things that easily frighten us. However, there’s one place that terrifies people year-round, even though there’s no reason to be afraid of it – the dentist’s office. Although it may not seem like a big deal, here’s how dental fear can affect your oral health and why you shouldn’t let it prevent you from regularly seeing your dentist.


Can I Use My Dental Insurance for Emergency Dentistry?

April 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_javeed @ 10:07 pm

Woman using dental insurance for emergency careAlthough no one ever expects it to happen to them, dental emergencies are common. In fact, 1 in 6 Americans requires urgent dental attention annually. If you find yourself in this unfortunate situation, you might hesitate to contact your dentist because you’re worried about a large bill; however, as with any emergency, time is of the utmost importance. You don’t want to lose valuable minutes stressing about finances. If you have dental insurance, there isn’t any reason to fret. You can get the immediate care you need without breaking the bank.


4 Reasons to Appreciate Your Dental Assistants This March

March 2, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_javeed @ 4:02 pm
a dental assistant moving an X-ray machine

Many patients don’t realize exactly how much their dental assistants do, because it’s always behind-the-scenes. The first week of March is Dental Assistant Recognition Week, which means that there’s no better time to appreciate just how much effort, time, and care they put into making sure that each of your appointments goes smoothly. Read on to learn four reasons to appreciate your dental assistants even more than you already do, and how you can show them that you care!


What to Expect at the Dentist During the COVID-19 Pandemic

February 3, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_javeed @ 7:59 pm
Dentist wearing PPE

Just think about how much our lives have changed in the past year. Whether you are going to the grocery store, contacting family members, or working on earning your college degree, things are looking a lot different that they have before. This includes your visits to the dental office every six-months for regular checkups. In order to help keep patients and team members safe during this time, numerous new protocols are being implemented. Continue reading so you can learn what to expect when it comes to dentistry during COVID-19.


5 Common Questions of At-Risk Patients, Answered

August 10, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_javeed @ 3:31 pm

Woman wears mask during COVID-19 as recommended by Virginia Beach dentistThe COVID-19 pandemic is a scary time for all of us. However, some people are at a higher risk of developing serious, even life-threatening illness if they catch the coronavirus. Nearly every aspect of our daily lives has been changed because of the pandemic, so it’s completely natural to have some questions about how to keep yourself and your loved ones safe in these unusual times. Read on as your Virginia Beach dentist answers five common concerns about daily life as an at-risk patient during the COVID-19 pandemic.


What’s Considered a Dental Emergency?

March 14, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_javeed @ 4:27 pm

man holding mouth in pain who needs emergency dentist

Dental emergencies always seem to strike at the most inopportune times, whether you’re on vacation, enjoying a night out with friends, or it’s simply the weekend and your dentist is closed. When this situation happens, you need to be aware of what to do. The first thing should be to call your emergency dentist and, if they’re not open, leave a voicemail detailing your situation. But how can you tell when it’s an emergency and when it’s something normal? Here are a few signs to look out for that tell you whether you have a dental emergency on your hands.


How You Can Celebrate National Children’s Dental Health Month

February 4, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_javeed @ 4:42 pm

little boy visiting children’s dentist in Virginia Beach

Oral hygiene is one of the most important things we can teach our kids, since it leads to a lifetime of excellent dental health. Unfortunately, getting your child to brush and floss every day can sometimes be an uphill battle. But if you want your little one to keep all their adult teeth for their whole life, you’ve got to show them the correct way to clean their pearly whites. Since February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, now is the perfect time for a children’s dentist in Virginia Beach to discuss some tips to celebrate.


New Year, New You: How You Can Get a Brand-New Smile with Cosmetic Dentistry in 2020

January 4, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_javeed @ 7:04 pm

woman pointing to her smile

Have you always wanted a movie-star perfect smile, but just never got around to visiting your dentist in Virginia Beach to make it happen? Well, now that a new decade is upon us, it’s the perfect time to get that cosmetic treatment you’ve been wanting to get the beautiful smile you deserve. Keep reading to learn how your dentist can transform your grin with a few simple procedures.


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