Dentist Discusses 5 Foods To Avoid That Increase Tooth Sensitivity

November 14, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_javeed @ 1:15 pm

Woman eating a popsicle in painThe Academy of General Dentistry estimates that 40 million Americans have tooth sensitivity. It may seem like a small problem (to someone who doesn’t have it), but it can really impact you on a day-to-day basis. And dealing with dental pain every day puts a damper on even the happiest occasions, which is no way to go through life! Fortunately, by avoiding certain foods that contribute to sensitivity and using a few tips and tricks, you can keep it at bay and get back to enjoying a pain-free life. Keep reading to learn about 5 common foods to avoid and get some additional oral health tips – your sensitive teeth will thank you!


Your Emergency Dentist in Virginia Beach Says Go the E.R. for This!

October 15, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_javeed @ 9:05 pm

woman holding her jaw in painDental emergencies are never fun, but one can happen when you least expect it. Your emergency dentist in Virginia Beach says not all dental emergencies are rated the same, though. Some forms of trauma require that you immediately head to your local emergency room. As you read on, find out which types of emergencies need urgent attention, and then learn what to do for some of the more common types of dental trauma.


Effects of Eating Disorders and Your Oral Health

August 3, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_javeed @ 8:05 pm

Woman smiling.It’s no surprise that eating disorders can cause health issues for you and your body, but did you know that the effects of eating disorders damages your mouth and teeth too? According to the American Dental Association, 10 million Americans are affected by serious eating disorders. Along with your overall health, your oral health can be influenced by diseases like anorexia and bulimia. For a lot of people suffering from eating disorders, their first time seeking help is from the dentist because of their noticeable dental issues caused by their disease. Keep reading to learn how eating disorders can affect your oral health negatively, and some steps you can take to achieve a healthier looking and feeling smile.


Do You Have Small Teeth? Porcelain Veneers Are the Answer!

July 3, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_javeed @ 7:50 pm

Happy woman pointing at teeth.When you smile in the mirror, are you happy with your appearance? Or, do you see a lot of gums and not enough teeth? Smile confidence is a real thing that can affect your personal and professional lives. Those with smaller teeth may not feel as confident as they would with a big and bright smile of pearly whites. Keep reading to learn how porcelain veneers can help you achieve the smile of your dreams from a trusted cosmetic dentist.


Save a Knocked-Out Tooth With an Emergency Dentist in Virginia Beach

June 4, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_javeed @ 2:32 pm

An illustration of a dental emergency.The moment you have a bad fall and your mouth is in serious pain, it’s understandable if you start to panic. However, just because a tooth is knocked-out doesn’t mean you’ll need to start thinking about dental implants just yet. In fact, there is a way to save it for reimplantation, as long as you follow these steps from your emergency dentist in Virginia Beach.


Virginia Beach Dentist Offers 5 Tips For Sensitive Teeth!

May 18, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_javeed @ 5:00 pm

A woman touches her cheek in painMany people don’t spend a lot of time thinking about their teeth. They simply eat and drink what they want without giving it a second thought. That is, unless they have sensitive teeth, in which case they probably spend more time thinking about their teeth than they’d like to!

If you can count yourself in the latter category, it’s a good idea to see a Virginia Beach dentist since sensitivity can indicate a bigger problem such as decay. In the meantime, start by reading this blog for five great tips for preventing or reducing sensitivity as soon as possible!


How Can an Emergency Dentist in Virginia Beach Help You?

April 19, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_javeed @ 11:33 pm

man dental painYou can’t always plan for or avoid an emergency of any kind, but you can do a few things to prevent them from happening too often. Dental emergencies are some of those instances that take us by surprise and can turn into a catastrophe if you aren’t prepared to handle them.

Learn more about what constitutes as a dental emergency, how to address them, and the best ways to prevent them from happening to you or your loved ones in this week’s blog post. Your emergency dentist in Virginia Beach wants you to be as knowledgeable as possible!


My Teeth are Healthy – Why Should I Visit My Virginia Beach Dentist?

March 11, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_javeed @ 4:12 pm

woman making why gestureYou may be thinking, “I brush my teeth at least two times a day and everything seems to be fine, so why do I need to visit my Virginia Beach dentist?” It’s quite easy to fall into the trap of being reactive about your health, but your local dentist encourages you to shift your mindset to a more proactive mode because that’s the best way to prevent big problems from happening. As you continue reading, she’ll explain why this is so important and how beneficial preventive dentistry can be to your oral health.


Virginia Beach Dentist Talks Tooth Care in Your Golden Years!

February 3, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_javeed @ 1:37 am

A senior couple smilingAs with most things in life, getting older means taking the good with the bad. Along with the wisdom and maturity that goes along with aging, there are some physical challenges that present themselves as well. For most folks, things just don’t work quite the way they used to!

Having said that, great health and vitality are still within your reach, although it may take a bit more work than it once did. In this article, your Virginia Beach dentist will talk about some of the oral health issues that mature patients may encounter in their golden years as well as simple tips and tricks for taking care of them.


Does Vaping Negatively Effect Your Oral Health?

January 2, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_javeed @ 2:22 am

woman vaping smokingA new fad is emerging, and it’s supposed to be healthier than the traditional take on smoking tobacco: e-cigarettes or vaping. More and more smokers turning to e-cigarettes under the assumption that they are safer or healthier because they don’t have as many chemicals present. With e-cigarettes more popular than ever (especially among teens), the question remains what is the oral health impact of vaping on your smile? Your dentist is here to give you a dental professional’s perspective here in this week’s blog post.


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